Map Maker Illustrated Map of Saudi Arabia

About Us

Your trusted partner in pest management solutions for over 45 years. We specialize in providing high-quality products and services to pest management professionals, ensuring the safety and well-being of communities and businesses across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Comprehensive Solutions for Pest Management Professionals

With years of experience, we specialize in:

Product Registration and Compliance - We register pest management products with the Saudi Food & Drug Authority and other relevant authorities, ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Importation and Distribution - We handle the importation of pest management products, guaranteeing their availability for pest control operators across the Kingdom.

Our Partners

Our Network

We partner with international manufacturers and suppliers to give our customers only the best products to serve them and their needs.

Our Market Sectors

Pest Control

Flies drinking from a cows tear ducts

Animal Hygiene

Products on shelves in aisle of health foods store


Public Sector Contracts


(966) 594 128 991


Let’s Talk

Get in touch or follow us on LinkedIn.